Dispute Policy

We understand from time to time, customers may have issues with their orders. Please allow 5-10 business days for a response from customer service. 

When customers purchase from our site or sign up for subscriptions, they are legally binding to our policies and guidelines.


 We will always do our best to put the customer first and resolve the issue in a timely manner. We are also a small business and make mistakes from time to time as nobody is perfect.


To resolve any issues, please email us at hello@plutopets.co. 


Typically, we choose a refund regardless because the banks charge us fees on-top of the chargeback. 


If we feel that a chargeback is a clear case of consumer fraud, we have a "Zero Tolerance" policy and will refund the order. 


However, If chargebacks happen outside the case of fraud - these include reasons such as: Shipping Times, Incorrect Orders, Defective Products, and Un-Satisfaction. 

Orders outlining the above reasons will be sent to debt collections unless a resolution is otherwise stated.


To reiterate, if you email us, we will resolve the issue in a timely manner.


For questions or concerns: please email us at hello@plutopets.co


In the event of a chargeback, we will notify the customer & fight the issue with the bank. This can take up to 40 days. In the event we lose, we will notify the customer. 

If the customer continues to refuse in compliance with our policies, only then will their account be sent to debt collections.


BANK DISCLAIMER: Any chargeback opened against Plutopets.co without first party resolution is un-warranted and a clear violation of our policies. 

Under no-circumstances may a bank reverse a payment made on Plutopets.co. Legal action will be pursued against all un-warranted chargebacks initiated by Banks.